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OB One Church Building is Reopening!!!

Here are some details about it for the next at least 3 weeks.

  1. Service times
    • Same as usual 8:30 a, 10 a, and 11:30 am (11:30 in Portuguese)
    • 25% Capacity. Read “Seating Capacity” below
  2. Online Services will continue 
    • Online Services – They will continue at the same times mentioned above on and Facebook
    • Kid’s Ministry Online – Miss Christina and Mel will continue running the Kid’s ministry program on Facebook at 9:30 am
    • Youth Group Online – Brandon will continue to meet at Zoom every Sunday at noon and Wednesdays at 7 pm
  3.  KIDS in the church Building 
    • Kids will stay with the parents in the Sanctuary and Venue
    • Why no kids ministry? Kids are not able to practice social distancing
  4. It will be TOUCHLESS Services. What do you mean?
    • The Cafe will be closed. We will not be selling specialty coffee
    • There will be no coffee or pastries available
    • There will be no communion for the next 3 weeks
    • We will not be doing “Meet and greet”
  5. Seating Capacity
    • We will be able to seat 40 people in the Sanctuary and 30 people in the Venue
  6. Parents with infants
    • We have the capacity of 4 parents with infants in the Family Room
  7. Ventilation 
    • The church doors will remain open throughout the entire service, so we may hear some motorcycles 🙂
  8. YOUTH Group
    • Will continue to meet at Zoom every Sunday at noon
    • Will continue to meet Wednesdays 7 pm via Zoom
  9. Life Groups
    • Still meeting via Zoom for the next 3 weeks
  10. Masks 
    • San Diego county is requiring Masks to be worn in public places and we are following their recommendation
    • Especially because there is singing in church
    • Volunteers and staff are required to wear a mask (If you are serving you will be required to wear a mask)
    • The church will be providing masks for those that need one
  11. Sanitation  
    • The Church will provide hand sanitizers throughout the building
    • Volunteers will be sanitizing the church building and seats during and in between service
  12. Volunteers
    • We will need extra volunteers to do Guest services and Sanitation
    • If you would like to serve in this ministry for the next 3 weeks please contact Jeff at (
  13. Who Should stay home and watch our services online
    • Those who exhibit any flulike symptoms should stay home

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