Life Group Announcements
- Women’s retreat is October 13-15. Cost is $133. Registration is coming soon. Save the date, and start saving some cash. There is an option to go and only spend Saturday for $36
- October 4, 11, 18, and 25 OB One will be hosting a 4-week seminar on How to minister to others being led by the Spirit called “Ministry Leader training”. Registration is open online at
- 3-Day fast is October 18-20 then Sunday, October 21st we’ll be breaking fast with an all-church potluck right after 2nd service.
- (To leaders only: Feel free to write your own questions Sunday. You know your group better than me. Also, you may not be able to go through all 7 questions and that is OK, feel free to pick the top 3 or 4 if you have to)
Life Group Announcements
- Anyone would like to share if you had any encounters with the Holy Spirit this week? Maybe you heard his voice, or you had a vision or a dream… Anyone? (The point of this question is to encourage people to be more aware of God speaking)
- Did you bring your notes? (Encourage people to take notes without any guilt trips) What was the 1 thing you felt God was speaking to you loud and clear Sunday, and why?
- Read Daniel 1:1-2 and Hebrews 12:6. the Bible says that “The Lord delivered Judah in the hands of the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar” because they were worshipping false idols instead of the Lord. Talk about a time that you felt that God was disciplining you and His discipline was a loving / needed discipline for your own benefit. (Note to leader: The goal of God’s discipline is to bring us back to Him and His ways)
- Read Daniel 1:8-16 – Pastor Joes talked about being in the world but not of the world. What stands out to you in v8. Talk about it.
- Daniel never forgot that he was God’s son and that his mission in life was to serve GOD. Talk about how every decision / choice we make is based on our belief system and our faith.
- Read Daniel 1:17-21. The results of Daniel’s choice to follow God and not allow anything to pressure him into sinning against God paid off. Talk about the results of following God in the life of Daniel and his friends, and in our own lives
- Talk about all the temptations we need to stay away from today and every day, to reap the blessings tomorrow. What are your biggest temptations, and how do you keep having victory over those
- Pray for one another.